Thursday, August 20, 2009

Joe Heller: Cartoony Douche

Thanks Joe Heller, from the Green Bay Press Gazette, for this wonderful cartoon.

You know Joe - if you were any good at drawing stuff, you'd have your own show on PBS, and an awesome permed hairdo.

Addendum: Look HERE for Good 'ol Joe's facebook page. Yeah man - you're a real Favre-hater, aren't you??

I love how all these hicks from Wisconsin are treating me like their red-headed stepchild now. I know that it kind of sucks for you guys that I'm gonna beat your team twice a year - at least for this year, but you have to look at this a different way. Look at it from MY point.

Let's say you start working at The Green Bay Bratwurst Company sweeping the floor. You bust your ass, week in and week out, and you become the best bratwurst worker in the world. Then suddenly the GB Bratwurst Company decides that they don't want you to stuff bratwurst for them anymore - so they sell you to the New York Brat Factory. Whatevs.

You go to New York, and while your greatness is overshadowed by a nasty casing allergy you have, you still put up respectable bratwurst numbers. They're appreciative that you've restored some sense of pride to their company, but you're not totally happy, so you ask them to let you go. They KNOW that as far as bratwurst goes - you're the shit - so they keep you happy, and oblige.

You're chilling at home one day, when the Appleton Bratwurst Company calls. They love you. They know what your skills are in the bratwurst world. They want to hire you. And pay you well.

Fuck yeah you'd jump at the chance.

I mean shit - it's only bratwurst.

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