Tuesday, August 25, 2009


As everyone pretty much knows, my Agent is Bus Cook. People always ask me, "Brett, Why Bus? Why not Rosenhaus?"

Drew Rosenhaus is the MAN when it comes to sports agents. He just is. They based that Tom Cruise movie on him. (OK, not the Tom Cruise pantywaste character, but the Jay Mohr, shark character - you know who I'm talking about.)

Anyway - After I left Green Bay, I decided I was going to give Rosenhaus a shot. He wouldn't have had to do a whole lot, just make sure that I was able to feed Deanna & the girls. Pretty simple, right? Oh yeah - he also had to get me a gig in a Polka band. I don't know why - but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the polka. It's beautiful.

Back when I was 13, I begged my parents to let me take Austrian Trumpet lessons. Dad didn't want to hear it. He coached football, and that was what I was going to do. Period. End of discussion.

That was fine, until college. I found a little trumpet school just outside of Hattiesburg, and went there after my classes. I got pretty good. Good enough, where I almost decided NOT to enter the draft. Dad would have killed me.

So anyway - to make a long story short, Bus made it happen, and Drew didn't. Here's a picture. I made Bus sit in for the picture holding the flute.

He's a decent enough guy, but after I signed with Minnesota, he stopped banging the accordionist sitting front center.

You don't want to know what THAT cost me.

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