Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Seems a lot of folks are curious why I refer to Brad Childress as "Chilly."

Some think that I call him that because we have this great relationship, I'm comfortable with him and his staff, yadda yadda yadda...

The reality is this.

Chilly may have the title of Head Coach - and Zygmunt Wilf (More on that name later.) may own the team, but let's be honest - There's no doubt who's in charge in Winter Park.

C'mon - think about it.  Chilly says, "We want you Brett, but you have to come to training camp."

Yeah Right.

Then he's all like, "We still want you Brett - but we need you to work out with the team."

Again - Yeah right.

So then I go, "You know what?  I'm tired.  I'm not 110%.  I'm not sure my heart is in it.  I'm retired.  For good this time.  Seriously.  I mean it."

Everything in Wisconsin is drowned out with the loudest collective exhale you've ever heard.

But wait.  BOHICA, bitches!

I change my mind.  Which isn't necessarily true, as I ALWAYS knew I'd come back.  I just like showing EVERYONE who's in charge.

It's not Chilly.  It's not Wilf.  Shit - it's not even Goddell.  (Who's wife is SMOKING HOT - trust me on that.  Look her up.  Met her back in the day when the Packers played in Milwaukee.  I'm not saying that I hit it - but I'm also not saying that I didn't.)

So anyway NFL, NFC, NFLPA - everyone...  Know your role.  I'm running shit here, just like always.

And I can take THAT to the bank.  (12 million times, in fact.)

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