Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm HUGE in Iraq!

Thanks to the Associated Press for finding this one.

Turns out that even Iraqi prisoners love me. They're giving the troops from Wisconsin all kinds of shit.

It's true - I transcend religion, geographical regions - hell, even waterboarding!

We want the ball - and we're gonna score!

Matt, Matt, Matt...
Remember those words? Yeah - me too.

Well tough guy - you were my bitch from 1998 - 2000, you were my bitch in 2004, and you'll be my bitch again in 2009.

Welcome to Thunderdome, baby.

Hawaii - I'm SO there.

South Florida? Nope. Don't think so. Everyone knows that the Pro Bowl is - and always will be - held in Hawaii.

I'm not some dumb hick. You can't pull one over on me.

See ya in Hawaii, bitches!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sore losers...

The people in Green Bay are just cry babies...

Look what someone did to MY street.
